TMS Blog

Bridging the Gap: Exploring the Gender roles in Household Chores.

In the modern world of evolving gender roles, it's disheartening to witness a persistent gender gap in household chores. Despite changes in society, the majority of the household responsibilities often fall on women. In this blog, I look at household chores and explore the impacts it has on our mental health and also our relationships.

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I became a Mum and completely lost who I am: How do i find myself again?

To all our new Mummas…Welcome to the whirlwind of sleepless nights, adorable baby giggles, and the undeniable charm of onesies. While being a mum is undoubtedly the most rewarding role we'll ever play, it's easy to find ourselves lost in Mum Mode.

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Yes, I love my child but I cant bear the thought of another!

You might have heard the whispers – "An only child? But won't they be lonely?" or "Shouldn't you give them a sibling for companionship?" It's easy to let societal expectations and well-intentioned advice creep in, bringing with them a wave of guilt.

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Recognising Red Flags: A Guide for Mums on Unmasking Emotional Abuse

Hello our empowered Mum Spacers,We all deserve to be surrounded by love, respect, and kindness. Sadly, sometimes toxic elements can seep into relationships, manifesting in forms of emotional abuse. As guardians of little hearts and minds, it's crucial to recognise the red flags and safeguard not only our own well-being but also that of our children. In this guide, we explore some of the subtle signs of emotional abuse.

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