TMS Blog

Feeling lonely? We’re here to help: The blog you’ll be glad you read!

While the arrival of your little bundle of joy is undoubtedly life-changing, it doesn't mean bidding farewell to your social life. In fact, it's the perfect time to embark on a new adventure of building connections with other mums and maintaining those cherished friendships.

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I became a Mum and completely lost who I am: How do i find myself again?

To all our new Mummas…Welcome to the whirlwind of sleepless nights, adorable baby giggles, and the undeniable charm of onesies. While being a mum is undoubtedly the most rewarding role we'll ever play, it's easy to find ourselves lost in Mum Mode.

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Yes, I love my child but I cant bear the thought of another!

You might have heard the whispers – "An only child? But won't they be lonely?" or "Shouldn't you give them a sibling for companionship?" It's easy to let societal expectations and well-intentioned advice creep in, bringing with them a wave of guilt.

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