From bump to baby: The must-haves for my hospital bag – A checklist you can't miss!
To all our beautiful expectant Mummas, I'm sure right now you're feeling a whole heap of emotions with your due date approaching. This is such an exciting but at times, overwhelming moment in our lives. We can’t wait to meet our little ones but we are also feeling all the feels about getting the baby out and how that may happen!
Let’s talk hospital bags, have you packed yours yet? Are you leaving it until last minute like i did, both times?! I am a huge hypnobirthing fan mainly because it was the only thing that actually helped ease my anxiety over what was about to happen and also eased the ‘what if’ catastrophising I kept finding myself doing. I’ll go into more details on HB in another blog post but for now I wanted to stress that all you can do is go with the flow and try and make your experience as special, calm and just how you would like things to be as much as possible (this is what hypnobirthing really helped me with). Below are the items I took in my hospital bag, mostly practical but also some for my home comforts and to make the delivery room an environment that felt safe, cosy and like me!!
WHAT I PACKED IN MY HOSPITAL BAG (Well suitcase!) *This blog contains clickable affiliate links.
My hospital notes (This is the folder your given for all your check ups)
My Birthing plan (I never actually used this but it helped with my anxiety knowing i had it incase i did need it)
Individual formula bottles (3 boxes)
Newborn nappies x 24
Packs of wipes x 2
Barrier Cream
Muslins x 6
Cellular Blankets x 2
Newborn mittens (If your sleep suits dont have them built in)
Newborn socks (If your sleep suits dont have them built in) x 2
Breast pads x 12
Maternity pads x 10
Flannels x 2
Pyjamas sets (I kept to black for obvious potential leakage reasons!) x 4
Dressing gown (I stuck to dark colours again)
Big knickers x 6 (Bigger the better and i still wear these now to bed, maybe this has something to do with my single status LOL!)
Nursing bra x 2
Joggers x 2 (Again kept to dark colours)
Sliders (to wear in shower)
Toiletries bag (Whatever items you would usually use)
Hypnobirthing notes & booklet
Battery powered small candle lights x 12 (I put these all around the delivery room and asked for the main lights to be dimmed)
Essential oils - ‘Destress’
Laptop & charger
Phone & charger (I would recommend having a playlist ready to go, i went for some of my fave RnB tracks from over the years, my first came out to Usher ‘Nice and Slow’ lol)
Lip balm (This is a must, my lips were beyond dry but i also used on my face and hands)
Your favourite snacks (Just incase the hospital shop is closed when you go in)
Spritz for bits spray (this helps sooth and cool your bits)
Massage Oil
Would love to know any other essential items you took or anything random you found that was actually really helpful, let us know in the comments!!