The best parenting tip you ever got…Voted for by YOU!
We asked, you shared and here are the results! Actually some really great tips in here and some I heard and they instantly made my day that little bit less stressful!
I always remember someone said to me early on to ‘Pick your battles’ and I think this covers every aspect in life, be it motherhood, relationships, friendships. Just knowing when to let the smaller things slide really will save us all alot of stress and anxiety which i'm here for!!
Here's some of your best parenting tips, love that its a real mix of practical and emotional advice:
Always double the sheets and mattress protectors in a cot and toddler bed. Will save a lot of hassle during those night time accidents!
‘This too shall pass’ is a great mantra during those moments when it just feels like it's a never ending dark hole. This also goes for the good moments so soak those in as much as you breathe those stressful times out.
Zip up baby grows can save so much time and hassle.
You don’t have to put your baby down if you don't want to. It’s ok to cuddle them for every sleep if that's what works for you.
Don't feel guilty for having a lie in when you can, take things slowly. Heal, bond, relax and soak up every moment.
Don't stress about routines, sometimes the routine can be impossible so just ride that wave.
It's ok to miss your old life, don't punish yourself for those thoughts.
Get yourself a baby carrier/sling. So handy for carrying a newborn around the house when you need to get stuff done.
Trust your instincts. No one knows your little ones like you do so always follow that gut.
Turn the doorbell sound off. I actually chuckled when I heard this one, it's so true! It used to wake my youngest and also would set our dog off barking so I took the sound off the bell and linked it to my phone instead.
When things seem tough try taking them outside or put them in the bath. Walks and baths usually tend to calm everyone down.
They don't know youve done wrong. This mantra is so helpful when navigating the stress and tiredness and can help you to stop being so hard on yourself.
Lower your housework standards, it's ok to be surrounded by mess.
Wrap a hairband around the packet of wipes near the opening and you will always just take one out at a time instead of ten!
When punishing your kids, don't punish yourself. If screen time helps you get your other shit done then don't take that away from them. Find something else!
Thank you to everyone that shared a tip, we would love to know more so don’t forget to leave yours below. You never know even a small piece of advice can saves someones day!