Feeling lonely? We’re here to help: The blog you’ll be glad you read!
While the arrival of your little bundle of joy is undoubtedly life-changing, it doesn't mean bidding farewell to your social life. In fact, it's the perfect time to embark on a new adventure of building connections with other mums and maintaining those cherished friendships.
Let's dive into the delightful world of post-baby socialising, we want to remind you all that you don’t have to completely lose yourself just because you're now a Mum!
Chapter 1: The Playground Pals Picture this: a sunny day at the local playground, where baby giggles and stroller strolls create the perfect backdrop for forming new connections. Strike up a conversation with fellow mums, bonding over shared experiences and baby's first steps. Many times I’ve had to borrow sun cream or wipes from a fellow Mum and ended up spending a few hours together with our kids.
Tip: Bring a picnic blanket and some snacks – you might find yourself hosting a spontaneous playdate!
Chapter 2: Baby and Me Classes Enroll in baby and me classes, whether it's baby yoga, music, or swimming. Not only do these classes provide developmental benefits for your little one, but they're also fantastic environments for meeting like-minded parents. This may not be the ideal setting for some of us, anyone who feels anxious in these kind of environments may find it a struggle but as someone that has been to many and always felt like the one with no mates lol its actually so easy to strike up convos with a fellow mum, ask them there little ones age or if they’ve been to the class before. Just a few simple question prompts in the back of your mind should help you feel less anxious.
Tip: Suggest a post-class coffee outing to extend the bonding beyond the class.
Chapter 3: Online Mum Communities Join the vibrant world of online mum communities, hopefully you’ve found some solica here at The Mum Space especially in our forum section. Our facebook group has bought so many of our Mum Spacers together and hopefully we can do the same for you.
Tip: Let people know the area you're in to arrange local meetups or playdates with mums you've connected with online. Just always be safe!
Chapter 4: The Coffee Shop Chronicles Transform your coffee runs into social outings. Strike up conversations with other parents at your local cafe, and you might just find your next coffee companion for a chat. You’ll be surprised how many other Mums are feeling the same as you and just desperate for some adult conversation.
Tip: Exchange contact details with mums you click with and plan regular catch-ups.
Chapter 5: Maintaining Friendships – Baby Edition For existing friendships, consider baby-friendly outings to keep the connection alive. Invite friends over for a casual lunch where your baby can steal the show with their adorable antics. Grab a coffee somewhere that is child friendly but not overwhelmingly loud. Schedule in Facetime calls with a time and day rather than ‘We must catch up soon’ turn it into ‘Are you free on xxx for a video catch up’.
Tip: Be honest about your new schedule – true friends will understand the occasional baby interruption!
Chapter 6: Mum's Night Out – Baby Edition Organize a 'Mum's Night Out – Baby Edition' where you and your mum friends can enjoy a relaxed evening together. Pick a baby-friendly venue, indulge in some good food, and share laughs while your little ones snooze nearby.
Tip: Choose venues with changing facilities and comfy seating for breastfeeding.
Conclusion: A New Chapter Begins Embrace the adventure of motherhood with open arms and an open heart. Your social life may evolve, but it certainly doesn't end. New friends, old friends, and a thriving social life are all part of this beautiful journey. So go and make those connections, and let this new chapter be one filled with love, laughter, and lifelong friendships. Some of my most treasured friendships have been formed since becoming a Mum!
Good luck ladies x