Valentine’s Day: A Mum’s Guide to Dodging Cupid’s Pressure.

Ah, Valentine's Day – the day of love, roses, and the undeniable pressure to create the most magical romantic experience ever. But let's be real, dear mums, in the whirlwind of nappy changes, school runs, and trying to remember where you left your car keys, Valentine's Day can feel more like a hassle than a celebration.

So, let's talk about what not to succumb to this year. Spoiler alert: it's not about finding the perfect gift or planning an extravagant date.

  1. Pinterest-Perfect Expectations: Don't let those Pinterest boards fool you! Not every mum needs to transform her home into a Hallmark movie set complete with heart-shaped confetti and candlelit dinners. Let's be honest, getting spaghetti sauce out of your kid's hair might be the highlight of your day – and that's okay.

  2. Social Media Overachievers: Avoid the Insta-perfect photos of breakfasts in bed and couples gazing into each other's eyes like they just stepped out of a romance novel. Your day might involve more Lego structures and laundry piles, and that's perfectly fine. Celebrate the chaos that is real life!

  3. The "Perfect Gift" Trap: Resist the urge to believe that a perfect Valentine's Day hinges on finding the ideal gift. Remember, a thoughtful gesture goes a long way. And if that gesture involves a last-minute box of chocolates from Aldi then so be it!

  4. Overpriced Dinner Reservations: Who says you have to brave the crowded, overpriced restaurants to have a memorable evening? You're a mum – you've mastered the art of creating a cozy atmosphere right at home. Skip the reservation drama and embrace the joys of getting stuck in and making a family-friendly dinner (or pizza) in your pjs, If you do want to dine out, try booking a different day to Feb 14th, so many restaurants create set menus and bump up the price for valentines day.

  5. Comparisonitis: Avoid the dangerous game of comparing your Valentine's Day plans to those of other mums. Every family is unique, and your celebration should reflect that. Remember, love comes in all shapes, sizes, and chaotic family dynamics.

This Valentine's Day mummas, let's collectively raise a toast to imperfect love, messy houses, and the beautiful chaos that is motherhood. Instead of succumbing to the pressure, embrace the real, the raw, and the wonderfully unpredictable. After all, nothing says "I love you" more than surviving another day of parenting with a smile on your face. Happy Valentine's Day, supermums!


The ultimate Valentine’s gift guide for YOU!


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