Welcome to the new home of The Mum Space!
Hello to all our fabulous Mum Spacers, we are so honoured you are here. This is a space designed with YOU in mind. From the latest in mum news that'll have you saying, "Oh, I so relate!" to giveaways that make you feel like you've won the mum lottery, The Mum Space is your one-stop-shop for all things mum-tastic
Join us in the forum for chats that feel like a heart-to-heart over coffee, and don't forget to bring your appetite because we've got recipes that'll turn your kitchen into a place you actually want to be!
The Mum Space was born back in the first ever lockdown after I announced my first pregnancy online i was overwhlemed with the amount of fellow pregnant women who like me where feeling panicked about how our pregnancy journey would look with a potential lockdown ahead of us and now years later and with one of my longest running besties coming on board, Maria Batey, we are a thriving community of over 70,000 amazing women. The idea was to create a safe space to bring women together to be able to share our worries and concerns and from there it has developed into this exciting space with so much more on offer but with our forum still at the heart of it. Our forum will be a place to privatly rant, ask for adivce, share tips meet new friends and also it will be where we have exclusive giveaways of the most amazing prizes.
This isn't just another blog to read, we want YOU to be our contributors and those contributions come with cash rewards because, darling, your brilliance deserves more than just applause! We dont want a flawless, professionally written blog post, we want the realities of motherhood…Your day to day routine, your hacks, your inner feelings dealing with a seperation, your thoughts on TTC, your labour story, your easy dinner recipe, the good, the bad the ugly and everything inbetween is what we are after. Check out our Jobs Board for more info on how to submit your ideas.
So, grab yourself a cuppa and come on into The Mum Space, and let's smash this journey of motherhood together. Buckle up, mums, because this is where our journey begins!