Do you want to earn money for having a voice?
This is a safe space for YOU and a space for YOU to have a voice. You are the bones of this community and we are rewarding you financially for that via our 'Jobs Board' we will be regularly posting paid for opportunities we would love you to submit, you do not have to be a professional at all, we want the real stories, the real day to day in your own words.
This can be anything from your daily routine to talking about an issue you feel really passionate about and pretty much everything in between. Do you have a quick dinner recipe that is a real crowd pleaser? Do you have a mum hack that would save the rest of us some time? Do you have a beauty routine that works well with the school run? We want to hear it all.
All you need to do is to check out the Jobs Board section and you will see different areas and topics of conversation, see if any of them take your fancy and just click on it to see how to submit your content. If your content is published on we will reward you financially for your work.
Alongside the payment, we want to provide the opportunity for you to gain exposure for your creativity and talent. We will create a profile for you alongside your content where you are able to promote your own website, social media etc. We are here to empower you and ideally provide some kind of additional cash to help towards that weekly shop or maybe that handbag you’ve had your eye on for a while now. You do not need to be a professional writer, we can help with the fine tuning and aesthetic of the blog post if that’s something you feel you need.
Your voice and story is whats important to us.